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ATTENTION: Dear Beloveth

I am Ms Corazon Abaya from Philippines. I am only survivorfrom late Dr. Biegiotti Abaya who was owner of a textile company in China for so many years before he died in the tsunami disaster along with our only child.

Since this demise I have been in the hospital under medical supervision, just before my late husband died the textile company in China was sold out and the proceeds was deposited with a security company in Europe for safe keep before onward transfer.

Upon my husbands death I was forwarded a notification to come to the bank premises in Europe to claim this amount $ 9.3million USD ( nine million three hundred thousand UNITED STATES DOLLARS ) since I am his next of kin but they are unaware of my situation and ailment which is so bad that I have lost my ability to communicate verbally.

I have been undergoing treatment for esophageal cancer in this hospital here in Sharjah (UNITED ARAB EMIRATES ) and my doctors have told me in confidence that I have only a few months to live so therefore I want a person that is trustworthy that will utilize 90% of this money to fund Religious home, orphanages and less privilege around the world but in my family name must this generous donation be made "IN MEMORY OF THE ABAYA FAMILY"

As soon as I get a response from you and you are willing and capable of assisting me we will then relate in confidence and only when we understand exactly what this purpose and relationship entails I shall give you the contact of the security firm and directions to assist and guide you apply for the release of this funds to your custody . I will also issue you a letter of authorization introducing you as a beneficiary on behalf of my familyafter intimating the bankon my intensions.

Please I need you to assure me that you will act accordingly as I stated herein and keep this contact confidential till such a time this funds is safe in your custody, this is to ensure that nothing jeopardizes my last wish on earth.

Please send your response to this e-mail.

Thankyou I await your urgent response.

Yours in the Lords Vineyard,


- Corazon Abaya


Verónica dijo…
¡tanto tiempo!

Me ausenté unas semanas, pero ya estoy de vuelta.

Un abrazo.

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